ultra secure desktop

endpoint protection for elevated threat environments

Paradox - Definition:

A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement.

Ultra secure, low-cost of ownership and easy to deploy.


Paradox was designed with UK Government as a highly secure endpoint operating system to protect classified government and defence systems, but is also very simple to deploy and significantly reduces the costs of through-life endpoint management.

Paradox guarantees endpoint devices remain free from commodity malware and provides strong protection against elevated threats and targeted cyber-attacks. Unique measured software execution ensures that no applications or system components have been tampered with. 

These cryptographic checks provide complete peace of mind that your endpoints are in a trusted known good state, and offer high assurance that they are free from compromise and safe to access sensitive systems.

For many organisations an increasingly large number of users are primarily consuming cloud or online services, with their devices becoming little more than a platform to launch a browser. Yet the combination of feature-laden operating systems and third party client applications presents a level of software complexity that remains the target of compromise for the majority of cyber-attacks

Paradox dramatically simplifies the endpoint environment, providing an intuitive browser-based user experience, delivering cost savings with unrivaled enterprise security.

Key features:

Device health measurements for zero trust

Paradox can be deployed with Paradox Authentication Service (PAS) to enforce High Assurance protection of critical web services within Zero Trust Architectures.

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Who is paradox for?

Paradox is used by Government and defence organisations pursuing best practice in deploying modern classified networks. Paradox is used by organisations across the Critical National Infrastructure, for privileged access workstations, to simplify secure remote access and support supply chain collaboration.


Paradox was originally designed for use as a standard secure desktop within government classified systems. Architectural patterns and procedures exist to facilitate assurance processes. Government references may be provided as appropriate.

NCSC Guidance on PAWs include:

  • Use PAWs for critical systems. If the impact of compromise is significant to your business, use PAWs. These should be devices that you trust.
  • Device trust needs to be earned. Your initial stance should be to not trust devices until you have gained the assurance you need to do so. This is especially relevant where operations are outsourced to a 3rd party.


Paradox is designed to withstand the elevated threat relevant to PAWs, and and ensures device trust is explicit through the use of robust health measurements and remote attestation.



Paradox supports a range of enterprise VDI and VPN clients, as well as proven integration with High Assurance and High Grade crypto for secure remote access. Centralised patching, security and policy management simplifies through-life device management for remote users.

With built-in security controls, Paradox removes the need for additional 3rd party security software, creating a standard platform to facilitate supply chain security management where supplier access to IT systems is required. Device health measurements validate trust status for 3rd party access. 

Paradox can be installed to bootable USB devices, providing a highly portable platform for creating a secure working environment on an un-managed PC.

Product Data Sheet

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